Bazat pe experiența competițiilor din anii anteriori, mi-am propus pentru anul acesta următoarele obiective:
– Clasarea in primii 100 la Prima Evadare / general
– Participarea la 10 competitii de șosea (cu 20% mai mult decât în 2015)
– Participarea la 12 competitii de MTB (cu 20% mai mult ca in 2015)
– Clasarea pe podium de minim 5 ori la competitiile de MTB
– Clasarea pe podium de minim 3 ori la competitiile de sosea
Pentru a îndeplini aceste obiective am un plan strict de antrenamente.
Goals for 2016
Based on the previous years’ experience, I have the following objectives for this year:
1 Reach the Finnish Line in the first 100 cyclist on the „Prima Evadare” romanian competition, general category.
2 To compete in 10 competitions on the road (20% more than I did in 2015)
3 To compete in 12 MTB competitions (20% more than I did in 2015)
4 From the 12 MTB competitions, I want to be on the podium in at least 5 of them
5 From the 10 road competitions, I want to be on the podium in at least 3 of them
In order to achieve these goals, I follow a very strict training program.
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